Knight's Last Stand is a wave-based hoard survival game. It is fantasy themed with swords, and in one big area.

  • You earn points from defeating enemies.
  • You can spend those points upgrading your weapon, rolling for a new weapon, or upgrading your health.
  • You can get power-ups that drop from enemies.

The goal is to make it as far as you can!

Other notes:
- Made for a school project.
- The browser version may be a bit choppy. I have no idea how it runs on a typical windows pc since I have a pretty good pc, but the windows version runs fine for me.
- The code I wrote for this project is not the greatest when looking back on it. There are a lot of areas I could have improved it in. I know for next time though, right?
-  All assets are free assets from the unity asset store


Knights Last 70 MB

Install instructions

For the windows version:

- download the zip

- extract the zip

- open the new folder and open "personal project.exe" to start the game.

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